HTML full course beginner to advanced part-2 - Freshers Dream

Friday 28 April 2023

HTML full course beginner to advanced part-2

 HTML All Tag List : 

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a markup language used to create and structure content for the web. HTML tags are used to create different types of elements on a webpage. Here is a list of some common HTML tags with a brief explanation of their purpose:

1. `<html>`: This tag indicates the start of an HTML document.

2. `<head>`: This tag contains information about the document, such as the title and links to stylesheets.

3. `<title>`: This tag specifies the title of the document, which appears in the browser tab.

4. `<body>`: This tag contains the visible content of the webpage.

5. `<h1>` - `<h6>`: These tags define headings, with `<h1>` being the most important and `<h6>` the least important.

6. `<p>`: This tag is used to create a paragraph.

7. `<a>`: This tag is used to create a hyperlink to another page or resource.

8. `<img>`: This tag is used to insert an image into the webpage.

9. `<ul>`: This tag creates an unordered list.

10. `<ol>`: This tag creates an ordered list.

11. `<li>`: This tag creates a list item for both ordered and unordered lists.

12. `<table>`: This tag creates a table with rows and columns.

13. `<tr>`: This tag creates a table row.

14. `<td>`: This tag creates a table cell.

15. `<form>`: This tag is used to create a form for user input.

16. `<input>`: This tag is used to create form inputs, such as text boxes and radio buttons.

17. `<select>`: This tag creates a dropdown list for form input.

18. `<option>`: This tag creates an option for a dropdown list.

19. `<textarea>`: This tag creates a multi-line text input for form input.

20. `<button>`: This tag creates a clickable button.

Here are some additional HTML tags:

21. `<div>`: This tag is used to create a container for other HTML elements. It is often used for grouping elements together or applying styles.

22. `<span>`: This tag is used for grouping inline elements together or applying styles to specific parts of text.

23. `<header>`: This tag is used to create a header section for a webpage or a section of a webpage.

24. `<nav>`: This tag is used to create a navigation section for a webpage.

25. `<section>`: This tag is used to create a section of content on a webpage, such as an article or a chapter.

26. `<article>`: This tag is used to create a standalone article on a webpage.

27. `<footer>`: This tag is used to create a footer section for a webpage or a section of a webpage.

28. `<aside>`: This tag is used to create a section of content that is related to the main content but not essential to it, such as a sidebar.

29. `<blockquote>`: This tag is used to create a block of quoted text.

30. `<cite>`: This tag is used to indicate the source of a citation or a quote.

31. `<code>`: This tag is used to indicate computer code or programming language.

32. `<pre>`: This tag is used to preserve the formatting of text, such as spacing and line breaks.

33. `<video>`: This tag is used to embed a video into a webpage.

34. `<audio>`: This tag is used to embed audio content into a webpage.

35. `<canvas>`: This tag is used to create a drawing surface for graphics or animation.

Here are some additional HTML tags:

36. `<progress>`: This tag is used to indicate the progress of a task, such as a file upload.

37. `<meter>`: This tag is used to indicate a measurement within a known range, such as the battery level of a device.

38. `<time>`: This tag is used to indicate a date or time.

39. `<mark>`: This tag is used to highlight text for emphasis.

40. `<abbr>`: This tag is used to indicate an abbreviated version of a word or phrase.

41. `<address>`: This tag is used to indicate contact information, such as an email address or physical address.

42. `<details>`: This tag is used to create a collapsible section of content, which can be expanded or collapsed by the user.

43. `<summary>`: This tag is used to provide a summary or title for a `<details>` element.

44. `<iframe>`: This tag is used to embed a webpage within another webpage.

45. `<map>`: This tag is used to create an image map, which allows the user to click on specific areas of an image to navigate to different links.

46. `<area>`: This tag is used to define a specific area within an image map.

47. `<meter>`: This tag is used to indicate a measurement within a known range, such as the battery level of a device.

48. `<output>`: This tag is used to display the result of a calculation or user input.

49. `<ruby>`: This tag is used to add pronunciation guides for East Asian languages.

50. `<wbr>`: This tag is used to indicate a word break opportunity, which can be helpful for long URLs or text strings that may cause layout issues.

These are just a few more examples of HTML tags. As you can see, HTML offers a wide variety of tags that can be used to create rich, dynamic, and accessible webpages. It's important to understand the purpose and proper usage of each tag to ensure that your webpages are well-structured and easy to use.

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